Mail Order Form | Seed for Security, LLC

For mail orders shipped to the United States only

Please print and fill out this form and mail along with postal money order or bank check. Personal checks must clear before shipping.

Make payable to:
Nan Hayden
Seed for Security, LLC
28 Reed Road
Union, CT 06076

Your Order

Refer to our product list to help you fill out this form

SKU Product Name Quantity Price Each Total

Please add the following shipping amounts to your order
Our Colossal Security Pack: $21.50
Our Super Survival Pack: $16.10
Our Garden Bean Collection, Our Garden Security Collection, Our Heirloom Herb Collection, Our Spring Security Collection, Our Three Sisters Collection, White Proso Millet, Winter Rye: $4.75 for one, $10.00 for two or more
Our Individual Seed Packets: Free

Shipping Total
Total Enclosed (Subtotal + Shipping Total)

Your Shipping Information

I will send a shipping notice with delivery confirmation number to the email address you provide below.

If you are unable to print this order form for any reason, please email me at with your name and address and I will gladly send you a copy.